
We see it every day: The restaurant with the “fresh, never frozen burgers,” the eggs at the grocery store that say, “straight from the farm.” The term, “farm-fresh” has become more of a label or a marketing term than an actual descriptor. But, it’s still an important descriptor for our food – especially for those in the industry of wholesaling their product.

Here at Barn Again Beef, connecting with our customers and providing a truly farm-fresh product is a cornerstone of our business. In a time where the entire agriculture industry is struggling and farmers’ margins are tight, it’s more important than ever to consider buying truly farm-fresh products: purchasing items straight from farmers to help maximize profitability and boost the local economy.

Here are the top three reasons why you can feel good about buying farm fresh products:

1.) Know Where Your Food is Truly Coming From

When you buy straight from the farmer, you can shake hands with the man or woman who has been caring day in and day out for the food you’ll be putting on your family’s table. You can get to know in person, the values that your provider has – and chances are, they care about many of the same things you do. You can ask questions about how the food was raised and sometimes you can even see where it was produced. Even if it takes an extra step to buy vegetables at a farmer’s market or meat from a local farmer – the pay-off in quality and assurance is worth the wait.

2.) Support Farmers and the Food Producers

Read any news article about the agriculture industry, ask any farmer you know – and things aren’t looking too hot. Row crop prices are down, dairy margins are tight and cost of production is as high as ever. This is due to many factors – international competition, trade issues, governmental regulations, supply-chain pressures. The basic deal is, farmers make pennies in profit on the dollars of food you buy. Continue to make the purchasing decisions you need to for your family – but remember that if you know a farmer or local producer, it can’t hurt to directly support their efforts.

3.) Help Boost the Local Economy

There’s never a complete bypass of putting money into big business – but by supporting local businesses and entrepreneurs, you do your small part to keep money in the local community. Supporting farm-fresh initiatives straight from farmers can help keep your money where you can see it – for efforts you can see impact in.

We’re not here to save the world or change all the problems – but we believe in making small changes to see positive outcomes. Look into where you can buy local, truly farm-fresh products and help support businesses in your own community.

At Barn Again Beef, we believe we offer a premium product where you can source your own local meat. We raise our own black angus cattle with the highest standards of animal handling and thoughtfulness to offer a wonderful beef product for your family. If you’re interested in taking the step to support your local farmer by purchasing wholesale beef on a regular basis, contact us today.

Categories: Buy Local